An exploration of different ways to inhabit virtual environments using Unreal Engine. In this project I used the peel 3D scanner to 3D scan personal items and objects, and scatter them around the digital space I modeled in Autodesk Maya, then assembled and lit in Unreal Engine. I used Quixel Megascans for the floor and walls textures. After scanning each item, I cleaned and retopologized it in Mudbox. My goal was to explore the process of making personal connections to virtual spaces by incorporating items from a physical world and exploring these environments' potential as digital storage and gathering spaces. This project helped me improve my understanding of Unreal interior lighting and I also further developed my 3D scanning and retopology skills and workflow.
Demo video:

Preview of the environment using only the lighting data in Unreal Engine:

3D scanned objects and their textures captured using the peel 3D scanner (before retopology and cleanup in Mudbox and Maya):