mila gajic
Hi! I'm a 3D designer with an MFA degree in Digital Animation and Interactive Media from The Ohio State University and a BFA in Art + Technology from the University of Florida. Currently, I am a VR Lab Manager/Developer at the OSU Emerging Technology Studio. My personal work and research focus on designing, building, and optimizing virtual environments that deliver meaningful interactive experiences.
My design practice involves 3D modeling, animation, game design, creative coding, graphic design, and more. I am proficient in Autodesk Maya, Cinema 4D, Substance Painter, Unity, Unreal Engine, and Adobe Creative Suite tools. I love making experiences at the intersection of virtual and physical worlds, and learning about emerging immersive technologies! When I'm not doing that, I'm probably playing Roblox, listening to Slipknot, rollerblading, or eating cheese. Click the button below to go back to my featured page, then use the navigation tabs on the top left to see more of my work.​​​​​​
thanks for visiting my site :)